Pengiriman Senin-Jumat, transfer sebelum jam 12 siang, akan dikirim di hari sama.
Lefties X Disney Tas Totebag Wanita Branded
Brand: Lefties X Disney
Quality: Original
Original Price: -
Bahan: Kanvas
Hardness: Bahan lunak
Fungsi: Tas bahu unisex wanita, shopper bag
Daya Tampung Gadget Maksimal Size: All size laptop
Kelengkapan: Label brand Lefties dibagian dalam tas
Ukuran: 56 x 40 x 10 CM
Tinggi Handle: 26 CM
Brand: Lefties X Disney
Quality: Original
Original Price: -
Bahan: Kanvas
Hardness: Bahan lunak
Fungsi: Tas bahu unisex wanita, shopper bag
Daya Tampung Gadget Maksimal Size: All size laptop
Kelengkapan: Label brand Lefties dibagian dalam tas
Ukuran: 56 x 40 x 10 CM
Tinggi Handle: 26 CM
Berat: 310 Gram
"Mohon periksa dan pastikan Ukuran Tas sebelum memesan"
Resellers welcome
We must state that in No way do we intend to infringe rights of any brand and all brands are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective brand owners and the respective products are supplied by external third parties. In case there is any infringement, please contact us immediately and we will remove the content from our website and our reseller entries.
Brand: Lefties X Disney
Quality: Original
Original Price: -
Bahan: Kanvas
Hardness: Bahan lunak
Fungsi: Tas bahu unisex wanita, shopper bag
Daya Tampung Gadget Maksimal Size: All size laptop
Kelengkapan: Label brand Lefties dibagian dalam tas
Ukuran: 56 x 40 x 10 CM
Tinggi Handle: 26 CM
Berat: 310 Gram
"Mohon periksa dan pastikan Ukuran Tas sebelum memesan" Resellers welcome Disclaimer: We must state that in No way do we intend to infringe rights of any brand and all brands are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective brand owners and the respective products are supplied by external third parties. In case there is any infringement, please contact us immediately and we will remove the content from our website and our reseller entries.
Brand: Lefties X Disney
Quality: Original
Original Price: -
Bahan: Kanvas
Hardness: Bahan lunak
Fungsi: Tas bahu unisex wanita, shopper bag
Daya Tampung Gadget Maksimal Size: All size laptop
Kelengkapan: Label brand Lefties dibagian dalam tas
Ukuran: 56 x 40 x 10 CM
Tinggi Handle: 26 CM
Berat: 310 Gram
"Mohon periksa dan pastikan Ukuran Tas sebelum memesan" Resellers welcome Disclaimer: We must state that in No way do we intend to infringe rights of any brand and all brands are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective brand owners and the respective products are supplied by external third parties. In case there is any infringement, please contact us immediately and we will remove the content from our website and our reseller entries.
- JNE, J&T (REG atau Cashless) dan WAHANA
- Pickup sendiri
- Go-Send/ Grab (dipesan oleh customer/reseller)
- Cargo (untuk jumlah banyak) - silakan kontak kami via email atau Whatsapp.
- Garansi 14 Hari sejak barang diterima.
- Jika produk cacat, atau tidak sesuai dengan deskripsi, dapat dikembalikan untuk refund atau ditukar dengan barang lain dengan syarat tag masih lengkap, packaging dalam keadaan baik dan belum pernah dipakai.